
Correction in SPARQL slides (Nov 28)

Correction in SPARQL slides (Nov 28)

von Ioana Manolescu -
Anzahl Antworten: 0

Dear students:

A careful colleague of yours pointed out that there is a mistake on Slide 45 in this deck of slides:

As you can see, the query returns four variables, but the result shown only has two, and the ?y binding is wrong.

I apologize for this. As you can easily see: 

  • the result should have been a table of four columns
  • the binding of ?x is correct
  • the correct binding of ?y is the type of ?x, that is: nasa:Astronaut
  • next, the binding of ?p should be nasa:crewOf , that is: the property that ?x has in that graph, which is not rdf:type
  • next, the binding of ?o should be nasa:Apollo_13, that is: the value of ?p for that ?x. 

