Blockchain Lab
Conditions d’achèvement
This lab
You are expected to provide the code you wrote during the lab and a report with your answers to the questions, in a pdf. Give reasons for your answers.
Ouvert le : mercredi 15 janvier 2020, 15:15
À rendre : lundi 27 janvier 2020, 05:00
This lab
In this lab, you will create a small example of a blockchain to play with. First, the goal is to implement the operations that will allow you to construct the blockchain. Secondly, you should implement a proof-of-work algorithm.
Exercise 14: For verification, root hash of block0.json is: 114264a4219241a6eb07c5eebbf399eea553f55b4fed079adb666091000a8f80
Finally, the third requirement is to verify if a blockchain is correct or not.
We provide
- the assingment.
- The required files.
Submitting the lab
The submission takes place on the Moodle of the lecture.
This work is individual. Any plagiarism will be penalized with a grade of 0 (whether you copy or you are being copied).