Résumé de section
The course INF280 trains students for competitive programming in C++. The content here is available to all Télécom students and you can also register on the Domjudge but please use the right category (Externes for those not registered in INF280, P4D1 for students registered in group P4D1, etc.).
There exists many online resources to train yourselves:
- France-IOI https://www.france-ioi.org/algo/chapters.php (very progressive, in French)
- Codesforces https://codeforces.com/ (very complete but you might get lost)
- USACO https://usaco.guide/ (very good guide, the US version of France-IOI)
- Many others: topcoder, atcoder, hackerrank, etc.
It is also possible to read the slides and solve the associate exercises. If you have questions regarding the exercises please contact Louis Jachiet (louis.jachiet@telecom-paris.fr). I give tips to solve all the weekly exercises in the text file below, but please to solve them yourself before reading the tips. There is no need to spend 5h searching the solution, but it is important to spend 20 min seriously trying to find the solution and apply the method (see lesson 1) before reading the solution. - France-IOI https://www.france-ioi.org/algo/chapters.php (very progressive, in French)